Albums currently kicking your ass

Which is exactly what it is! It's like that perfect balance between doomier stoner and just fist-pumping rock/metal. One of my favorite albums.

Also, since I felt like something less "angry" and more "rollicking"

My ONLY problem with 7NM is their vocalist sounds a little too pinched. Like if you gave them a guy who could really howl the album would be damn near flawless. Love the album overall though.

Since I'm still in my doom/stoner/rock phase...

Nice dude!!

I think lately, no matter the subgenre, I've just started to like a "dirty" sound. Not bad production, necessarily, just a nice layer of grime on the music.
^This guy knows whats up.

So you comin around and ditchin the "regressive blind copy cat" bullshit? :)

LOL touche, but honestly there's some bands that feel like copycats and some that feel like they were just inspired by the sound, y'know? It's sorta like with death metal. I'm down with OSDM when it's more like they're stripping the sound to its roots, NOT when someone spun Tomb of the Mutilated too many times and decided they'd try to make that exact noise.

When I made that comment about Kadaver (I think? Maybe Graveyard) I just heard a band that was trying too hard to sound like you plucked them out of 1972, even their album cover and logo had that look. I mean I liked those bands, too, but try to bring something new to the table, guys.

Side note:


^^ that's how it's done.
If a band playing that sort of music doesn't sound like they were plucked out of 1972, that's when its usually shit.