Albums currently kicking your ass

Love Sex Machine - s/t

I was in the mood for bleeding negativity along the lines of Black Sheep Wall, and holy fuck in a hammock did I find it.
That is a completely retarded name for a band, and if there was ever a band that I did not check out because of their name alone, this would be that band.


Oranssi Pazuzu - Muukalainen Puhuu

This has got to be one of the sexiest metal albums ever pressed. Seriously, try spinning it the next time you get your freak on.

Never judge a metal band by its name alone:):):):fu:
Never judge a metal band by its name alone:):):):fu:

Even though your response was pretty infantile and your sig belongs on the arm of a wife-beating trucker with a handlebar mustache, I looked the band up. They had me locked in during one of their instrumental intros, but then when that girl started singing I threw up in my mouth a little, and when guitarist stage right jumped in I lost my whole breakfast. What a waste of a good cellist.


Rocket From the Crypt - All Systems Go

Excellent, excellent Garage Rock.

Widowmaker isnt very good in comparison to this. On its own, it's okay I guess... but this... FUCK.


Glad to see this get a reissue. I remember first hearing it in like... 2009? and it wasnt available anywhere. Kinda forgot about it, especially after listening to their other two dogshit quality albums. Then they released Guiltless. Seemed like they suddenly remembered what they were doing. Grab Guiltless, notice The Unquiet Sky has been reissued, win.

Absolutely filthy feedback and static ridden sludge metal.
Been on a rock kick these days. Listening to a shit ton of The Devil's Blood and this:


Jess and the Ancient Ones. Fucking awesome Finnish rock band.
...think I'll be putting this on now.



Widowmaker isnt very good in comparison to this. On its own, it's okay I guess... but this... FUCK.


Glad to see this get a reissue. I remember first hearing it in like... 2009? and it wasnt available anywhere. Kinda forgot about it, especially after listening to their other two dogshit quality albums. Then they released Guiltless. Seemed like they suddenly remembered what they were doing. Grab Guiltless, notice The Unquiet Sky has been reissued, win.

Absolutely filthy feedback and static ridden sludge metal.

2 sexcellent choices. The Unquiet Sky was the only album of theirs I ever heard and it sounds like I didnt miss much as a result...

As far as Dragged Into Sunlight, I liked Widowmaker, but not nearly as much as Hatred For Mankind for the simple fact that HFM was longer lol God damn, I want to see them live again... FUCKING SICK.
Aye, honestly I feel like Widowmaker's major drawback is its lack of content in between the white noise. Aside from that, I enjoy it though its also notable how much different the album is musically.