Albums currently kicking your ass


Part Chimp - I am Come

So much heavy.
Abyssal - Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius

Imagine if Portal had some more coherent songwriting (this is a good thing, but doesn't take away from the awesomeness that is Portal's cacophany).
I disagree there. I mean, aside from the fact that Impetuous Ritual is half of Portal anyway, their songs are even more abstract and dense. That's not a bad thing, but they don't take the Portal sound in the direction Abyssal does.
Portal > Abyssal > Every other Portal sounding death metal band.


Pretty damn good doom metal. Found it digging through 900 items of garbage in relapse's bargain bin.
Portal > Abyssal > Every other Portal sounding death metal band.

I agree. I even admit that Mitochondrion kinda gets on my nerves for not even pretending that they're doing anything but Portal'ing. Even the cover art of Parasignosis looks like a lesser version of Swarth.
Even though your response was pretty infantile and your sig belongs on the arm of a wife-beating trucker with a handlebar mustache, I looked the band up. They had me locked in during one of their instrumental intros, but then when that girl started singing I threw up in my mouth a little, and when guitarist stage right jumped in I lost my whole breakfast. What a waste of a good cellist.


Rocket From the Crypt - All Systems Go

Excellent, excellent Garage Rock.

The only infantile response I see here is YOURS:):):):fu::fu::fu::fu::devil:

Its great to hear death metal done without shitty slam these days. Best they have done in a very long time, fantastic brutal tech. death.