Albums currently kicking your ass

Big Business - Here Come the Waterworks

Some-fucking-how I didn't realize that BB was half of the band for Melvins' "Senile Animal" album until earlier today, so I had to check them out. Definitely not disappointed.

This song is fuckin right on.


So many delectable grooves and triumphant melodies.
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Found this in an old box the other day while clearing out some stuff, hadn't listened to it in months. Incredible album!

There need to be more albums like this, fast, extreme, no pointless guitar solos, just pure riffage throughout
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No, just laughing because Putrid Pile happens to be the username of some dumb chick who posts on another site I go to who is stupid into deathcore and sells pictures and videos of herself naked on some amateur porn selling place.

They also happen to be kinda garbage, but thats besides the point...

Putrid Pile's vocals suck. They're exactly the kind of bdm vox I can't stand. Music is well above average for the genre though (for what that's worth)

Oh also name worse than Nasty Pig Dick = Medic Vomiting Pus. Asian slam band I think.
Agreed on all counts, there, Krow. If I'm not mistaken, PP's vox are pitch-shifted and I have never in my life heard a band with shifted vox that didn't sound aggravating as shit.

And damn, there are TONS of Azn slam bands with stupid names. I think it's a language barrier thing, they're always just random assortments of vaguely gross medical terms, but then again that's one thing I can't fucking stand about slam/goregrind in general. Music might be rad, but the naming scheme blows.
No, just laughing because Putrid Pile happens to be the username of some dumb chick who posts on another site I go to who is stupid into deathcore and sells pictures and videos of herself naked on some amateur porn selling place.
Pics or your lying.

Best Sepultura album.
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