Albums currently kicking your ass

There's a recomendation forum section. Effigy should be banned for being a total fucking idiot. It is fucking ridiculous. end

Okay so... this thread is about albums kicking your ass. EF puts up full album YT links. Tell me how this is in ANY way against the thread's purpose?

For that matter, tell me how it's any more obtrusive than images? It takes up the SAME SPACE ON YOUR SCREEN.
Any fucking moron can go to YouTube and type the name of the album in. No one needs six links per post.

Mort draws hostility because he constantly bashes metal on a metal forum then posts his j-pop album of the week. If you dont see where that might cause you to be singled out...

I don't constantly bash metal ... I'm critical of a lot that I find shit but I do still listen to and enjoy a lot of it. I think my only bashing posts of late were against tech and slam dm
Too many YouTube videos fuck up Firefox for me. Links are appreciated, but when people start imbedding 50 videos into a single page it doesn't work.

And there are surely non-metal albums capable of kicking ass. One example in Mort's defense, he introduced me to Defeater, and while we're obviously not talking "ass kicking" in any standard Sodom sense of the word, it's heavy/dense and engaging music. For other forms of non-metal (say, J-pop) that may not be applicable, though.
It's a continuation of a that light flourishing of tech 'spacey' stuff they've been going towards. The slams are still there though just not omnipresent.