Albums currently kicking your ass

I haven't heard the new DT album, it might be kickass, but my point was that it's not unfair to balk at an album when it's way different from the band's usual sound. That's all. No matter how good that Morbid Angel album had been, I mean if they'd genuinely released a landmark electronic album, we'd have shit all over it just because Morbid Angel SHOULDN'T release an electronic album.

At the same time, if you find it exciting for a band to throw curveballs all the time, that's perfectly valid! I can't say "you shouldn't like that" either.

Newest Morbid Angel was fucking awful.


Oh man, dude! That... that was just brilliant. Bravo. I mean it. I mean, you took my name, which says "Guy" in the middle, and then changed it to say "gay", in order to imply that I am a homosexual and then make fun of me for it! I mean, just, wow. I've had this name for so long, and never, NEVER has anyone had the genius and wit to mock it in such a fashion. You are a TRAILBLAZER.

You, my friend, should write comedy. In fact, fuck that. I'm taking a screenshot of this post and sending it to Parks and Recreation and Community. Hollywood needs to know that there are minds like Master_Yoda77 out there, full of untapped potential that could take the world of comedy by storm. By STORM.

You stupid, stupid motherfucker.
Oh man, dude! That... that was just brilliant. Bravo. I mean it. I mean, you took my name, which says "Guy" in the middle, and then changed it to say "gay", in order to imply that I am a homosexual and then make fun of me for it! I mean, just, wow. I've had this name for so long, and never, NEVER has anyone had the genius and wit to mock it in such a fashion. You are a TRAILBLAZER.

You, my friend, should write comedy. In fact, fuck that. I'm taking a screenshot of this post and sending it to Parks and Recreation and Community. Hollywood needs to know that there are minds like Master_Yoda77 out there, full of untapped potential that could take the world of comedy by storm. By STORM.

You stupid, stupid motherfucker.
