Albums currently kicking your ass

This page :kickass:

Seriously if you want to hear the feminine animus in a metal album, that Dark Castle album is an emblem of a woman's aggression. It's also just fucking epic.

It warms my heart to see Dark Castle mentioned twice in this thread. Easily some of the heaviest music I've heard in years.

I was jamming this one earlier while having fantasies about mauling posers with my vehicle:

You're just a downloader who listens to 30 different albums a day. Makes me not overly interested in your opinion, no offense.
You're just a downloader who listens to 30 different albums a day. Makes me not overly interested in your opinion, no offense.

I don't like bad music, I listen to ALOT of stuff yes, but if something is bad I turn it off and forget.

I'm the kind of guy that gets bored of things quick, instead of listening to the same bands ( I still do that more than most of you anyways :lol ) I like to find more stuff. I guess my music "standards" might be a little lower then most people but there are still plenty of bands I find and don't like, I have a lot of time on my hands.

You're just a downloader

Irrelevant to musical opinions.

who listens to 30 different albums a day.

More relevant to the fact that EF probably needs see some sunlight.

But yeah, I see where you're going. I'm more concerned with the size of people's libraries really. EF probably has 10,000 slam death songs...with a quality to suckage ratio of zero.
You're just a downloader who listens to 30 different albums a day. Makes me not overly interested in your opinion, no offense.

Rather that than getting the same hunk of albums we've all heard a thousand times. I'd rather a dude fire a bunch of shit out there than all the repeats.

I'm a Spotify hound, I listen to 6 albums a day (not counting the ones I hear one or two tracks of and stop) and generally don't repeat unless I just plain can't find something new that's working for me that day. It's not a matter of "sunlight". I listen to music while I work or while I drive. Can you honestly tell me you're somehow so busy that you can't throw headphones in and listen to music for most of your time?

Anyway, today's winners:

King Giant - Southern Darkness

Herder - Horror Vacui

Black Sleep of Kali - Our Slow Decay
Rather that than getting the same hunk of albums we've all heard a thousand times. I'd rather a dude fire a bunch of shit out there than all the repeats.

Thing is there's like 5 posters here that have listened enough to the essential canon of metal to come close to comprehending it. Top tier albums are posted here about once a page, and that's partially Effigy's fault.
Thing is there's like 5 posters here that have listened enough to the essential canon of metal to come close to comprehending it. Top tier albums are posted here about once a page, and that's partially Effigy's fault.

Okay tell me, what do you think the last "top tier" album was in this thread? Just so I can get a opinion on your probably limited taste in music.
I could take that Evoken album into consideration, though they personally barely miss the mark for me...after that...well shit, I don't wanna wade through several pages of shit so I suppose Paranoid is nice, though most of us ARE tired of hearing that one, me included. You actually impressed me a page back though. The new Terrorizer wasn't a terrible must be the best of your collection.
Thing is there's like 5 posters here that have listened enough to the essential canon of metal to come close to comprehending it. Top tier albums are posted here about once a page, and that's partially Effigy's fault.

Good. I hope he keeps it up, just because I like people crying that we have some people here who actually post shit 75% of the board hasn't already heard.
I don't know why you'd want to see shit posted that 75% of the board hasn't heard...after is...*shit*. Then again your entire defense of him in incomprehensible (possible bro-crush?), so don't bother trying to explain it.