Albums currently kicking your ass

I had no idea, I gotta say when I first heard the latest Cytotoxin album I didn't like it, one of the songs on the album sounded like Necrophagist sweeping nonstop and I turned it off thinking that would be the main focus on the album, but the singer has a wide range and does pretty much every vocal style I like in BDM, and there are breakdowns/slams in their songs that are really awesome, plus the technical parts are still better than most bands.

Putrid Pile was one of the first BDM bands I heard probably like 2 years ago, I wasn't really into searching for music or channels back then therefore I wasn't subbed to Infidel, but I really like his views on everything metal, hes a cool guy with a awesome taste in music.

Amagortis I think I found via him but I'm not 100% sure. Cool band though.

That song is just awesome, love the vocals that sound like a Predator.

I liked Cytotoxin since first hearing them on Infidels channel. I bought their first album directly from them, so when they released their second one, I jumped on it. I think it's great. The guys in the band seem pretty cool too. When I bought their first album, I exchanged a few emails with the guitarist and he seemed really down to earth. And I'm friends with the vocalist and drummer on Facebook lol.

I don't give a fuck what anybody says, this album kicks ass. I still haven't listened to all their earlier albums, but Edge of Sanity really is fucking awesome.
Sure but have you ever been told that you are the most boring,redundant,pathetic piece of shit ever to type onto one one of the most boring,redundant websites of all time.Everyone knows all about this album and pretty much every other album that's been posted here in the last 12 months at least.This website is like the Nuclear Blast of metal forums,suck it up or go fuck yourselves and die an immensely painfull death.
Most ppl will just let it slide but I cannot...I hate you all,within your pathetic group will emerge recommendations of the most sordid kind.I hope you all burn in a boiling cauldron of average music led by the almighty Krow.
It's gotten some bad reviews on different sites.

I've come across bad reviews on the album, I personally love it. The band did not work/write the album as a group or record it together in the studio. Some people might have a problem with it. I still think it's pretty cohesive.

Found a glam metal documentary on youtube earlier and it kick-started a glam binge for the next few hours.

Love this one. Pretty heavy and some great riffs.