Albums currently kicking your ass

How does this one stack up to Instruments of Torture?

Well, the production I would say is a bit thicker and there might of been more compression/gain on the guitars which I like. Overall I would say the riffs are better, as if they put more thought into being more brutal than anything from this planet, the vocals are pretty much the same, I just listened to two tracks from the albums side to side and I would say Methods of Execution's vocals are a bit deeper in the mix.

Some of the heaviest shit you'll ever hear. :lol:

Haha, I thought so. He really does show some great sounding bands. I've taken a liking to a good deal of them.

Usually though they are just OKAY. I guess he tries not to mention bands that everyone watching his videos should already know, even though I was already familiar with Beheaded and Cerebral Bore (don't like CB anyways, I see where the "bore" in their name comes from")

So tell me Balls, do you like Instruments of Torture or Molesting the Decapitated better? And why? I would have to go with Devourment for having more slams, and generally more disgusting production, but Brodequin takes "brutal" to a different level.

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Well, the production I would say is a bit thicker and there might of been more compression/gain on the guitars which I like. Overall I would say the riffs are better, as if they put more thought into being more brutal than anything from this planet, the vocals are pretty much the same, I just listened to two tracks from the albums side to side and I would say Methods of Execution's vocals are a bit deeper in the mix.

Some of the heaviest shit you'll ever hear. :lol:

Usually though they are just OKAY. I guess he tries not to mention bands that everyone watching his videos should already know, even though I was already familiar with Beheaded and Cerebral Bore (don't like CB anyways, I see where the "bore" in their name comes from")

So tell me Balls, do you like Instruments of Torture or Molesting the Decapitated better? And why? I would have to go with Devourment for having more slams, and generally more disgusting production, but Brodequin takes "brutal" to a different level.


I agree that most bands Infidel posts are "okay". But I did find out about Putrid Pile, Amagortis, Cytotoxin, etc. through him which are bands I really like. Sometimes he really does post a band that make me say, "fuck, I gotta look into these guys!"

I like Molesting the Decapitated better. The slams, catchy-ness, and groove to the songs on that album are fucking great. Just the sound to Ruben's vocals are killer, I style I love.
I agree that most bands Infidel posts are "okay". But I did find out about Putrid Pile, Amagortis, Cytotoxin, etc. through him which are bands I really like. Sometimes he really does post a band that make me say, "fuck, I gotta look into these guys!"

I like Molesting the Decapitated better. The slams, catchy-ness, and groove to the songs on that album are fucking great. Just the sound to Ruben's vocals are killer, I style I love.

I didn't know he ever supported those bands! Except amagortis.
I didn't know he ever supported those bands! Except amagortis.

Yep, I'm pretty sure I've posted them in the past. You don't like Amagortis?

Edit: I thought you said you didn't know I supported those bands lol. Anyway, yeah, he's like friends (I guess) with Shaun from Putrid Pile. And I'd say he was a huge influence on Cytotoxin getting more well-known.
Edit: I thought you said you didn't know I supported those bands lol. Anyway, yeah, he's like friends (I guess) with Shaun from Putrid Pile. And I'd say he was a huge influence on Cytotoxin getting more well-known.

I had no idea, I gotta say when I first heard the latest Cytotoxin album I didn't like it, one of the songs on the album sounded like Necrophagist sweeping nonstop and I turned it off thinking that would be the main focus on the album, but the singer has a wide range and does pretty much every vocal style I like in BDM, and there are breakdowns/slams in their songs that are really awesome, plus the technical parts are still better than most bands.

Putrid Pile was one of the first BDM bands I heard probably like 2 years ago, I wasn't really into searching for music or channels back then therefore I wasn't subbed to Infidel, but I really like his views on everything metal, hes a cool guy with a awesome taste in music.

Amagortis I think I found via him but I'm not 100% sure. Cool band though.

That song is just awesome, love the vocals that sound like a Predator.
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