Albums currently kicking your ass

Municipal Waste is some really low grade thrash. They were one of the openers at a LoG concert I went to. Not impressed at all.

Slaughtersun is some great stuff.
Municipal Waste is some really low grade thrash. They were one of the openers at a LoG concert I went to. Not impressed at all.


A lot of that "party thrash" is garbage but listening to this band puts me in a great mood. I saw them way back before most knew who they were and they put on a hell of a live show.

Intronaut's new album Habitual Levitations

The last I heard from them was Void. How is this one???

My ass is being kicked every which way possible by the following:

Municipal Waste is some really low grade thrash. They were one of the openers at a LoG concert I went to. Not impressed at all.

Slaughtersun is some great stuff.

I would rank Municipal Waste WAY above LoG, not even a fair comparison. Whats not to like about them? Really thrashy riffs that make me want to headbang like mad, good production, good singer etc.
I would rank Municipal Waste WAY above LoG, not even a fair comparison. Whats not to like about them? Really thrashy riffs that make me want to headbang like mad, good production, good singer etc.

What's not to like about them? Poor mixing, recycled riffs, juvenile aesthetics (which for thrash is saying something), and the singer wasn't all that great either from what I remember. Once they came up on stage I quickly decided to use the time to stand in the beer line.

There's a lot of new thrash bands with plenty of energy and solid skill, like Mantic Ritual, Vektor, etc. Even Warbringer and Lazarus AD do a much better job than MW (at least L-AD's freshman release).