Albums currently kicking your ass


Unholy - The Second Ring of Power

Edit: what the hell, here's a song if you're interested. Early death/doom that kinda laid the groundwork for funeral doom along with diSEMBOWELMENT.

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Yeah :lol:

I definitely don't look for old school sounding bands anymore but I thought it was pretty awesome from what he showed in the video.


This is absolutely fucking insane, and retarded on every level. Yet i'm still listening to it...

holy shit, i fuckin love aposepsy, i would cut a hole in their album cover and fuck that hole.

W.A.I.L. - Wisdom Through Agony Into Illumination and Lunacy

This is some absolutely top-notch doomy death metal with an incredibly dark atmosphere.

WAIL is one of my favorite albums of the past decade :kickass:


i just listened to this album for the first time this past week. i could of sworn i read that it was being re-issued by The Crypt but it seems that was just a myth. this album rules if you like melodic metal with testicles