Albums currently kicking your ass

There are few moments when this forum brings me so much joy. Got my hands on some of those crust bands posted and really digging this stuff! Appalachian Terror Squad is really sick so far, from what I'm hearing. Couldn't find the other album for dl so just downloaded their split with another band named Wartorn. Just gotten through ATS's side and that was awesome.

But besides some of this new stuff, this week this album got a couple spins, especially the track "These Are the Nameless."
Man, I haven't blasted Ripping Corpse in a long ass fucking time. I should do that soon.


As great as this is, I really like the stupid Engrish tunes better.

Abigail is one of those bands that has ridiculous song titles but the songs themselves turn out to be good.
Thanks to Krow mentioning this in the Vinyl/Collector's thread, I've really gotten into this album. Normally when I hear a band plays deathgrind, I don't expect much variety, but man these guys deliver. Slow, devastatingly heavy parts, and plenty of blasting.

Circle of Dead Children - Psalm of the Grand Destroyer

Thanks to Krow mentioning this in the Vinyl/Collector's thread, I've really gotten into this album. Normally when I hear a band plays deathgrind, I don't expect much variety, but man these guys deliver. Slow, devastatingly heavy parts, and plenty of blasting.

Circle of Dead Children - Psalm of the Grand Destroyer


I've posted this album twice with no response and its great to see someone else posting, like you said fucking devastating.
I've posted this album twice with no response and its great to see someone else posting, like you said fucking devastating.

Yeah, I'm definitley going to dig into the rest of their discography. I listen to almost no BDM/Slam/Deathgrind/Whatever, but I think I need to give this genre the time of day because I'm really liking what I'm hearing on the CoDC album, and the new Suffocation that came out this year is nothing short of amazing. Suffocation has been one of those bands I've always liked, but never got around to buying their releases. Another band I'm going to dig into their back catalog with.

Edit: I do like a lot of Death Metal. Nile, Behemoth, Death, Cannibal Corpse, etc, etc. I just haven't given the especially brutal stuff much time.