Albums currently kicking your ass

Bodyfarm- Malevolence

I think this album is equally good as Awakening the World. It's not as catchy but once you've given it 4-5 spins the more complex song structure becomes really enjoyable. Compared to AtW's adrenaline-filled rocket ride this is more like a long epic zeppelin journey.

Love both of those albums.

Do you happen to know what the vocalist is doing now? I want to check out his new band if he has joined/made one
Yea yea, rip on me all you want, but nothing quite brings me back to the glory days of elementary school and the WWF Attitude Era like this shit does. Disturbed is the GOAT.....of nu metal.

I don't have the patience to look through my posts and don't even care if I spell too or you're wrong so you can stop posting about it as if makes you a fucking genius.