Albums currently kicking your ass

Last two posts ftw. Crapples, can't believe you hadn't heard THE ROAD until just now?! If I had known that I would have insisted you listened to them a while ago. Satanic Warmaster, esp. that particular album, is pretty damn good tbh.
I have a similar bone to pick with Isole, esp. on the new one. Too slick and nice sounding, and I'm not really a fan of it in general. Regardless still need to pick up Nescience.
Does it sound like the new one in terms of general style though? I also just didn't like how the new one sounds, kind of like...Candlemass + Opeth or something. I'm not the biggest Candlemass fan (they're good but still), and I dislike Opeth so I couldn't really get into it.
Does it sound like the new one in terms of general style though? I also just didn't like how the new one sounds, kind of like...Candlemass + Opeth or something. I'm not the biggest Candlemass fan (they're good but still), and I dislike Opeth so I couldn't really get into it.

It's a more classic doom sound.
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Hey how about Battle Metal by Turisas. I always get a good kick out of that album. In fact I find it to be one of the most epic albums I've laid ears on. Definitly worth having.
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Hey how about Battle Metal by Turisas. I always get a good kick out of that album. In fact I find it to be one of the most epic albums I've laid ears on. Definitly worth having.

Great band and album, although they get lots of hate around here. Their second album, while a bit more sterile (a bit, mind you), is still epic as fuck. Great songwriting too.
YEa. I like the title track of Holmgard and Beyond. Good album to hit up on if you like traveling on boats LOL. Really it fits the theme.