Albums currently kicking your ass

This isn't kicking my ass, it's kicking their ass, but nevertheless, this is classic.

Sold my '89 red vinyl of this albumn for $200 on ebay on the weekend.

Listened again for the first time in many years; it still kicks arse (ass). I love the raw sound.


Drug my feet on picking this one up forever because people were bitching about it. Saw the vinyl and mp3s together on amazon for like $13 today and decided to give it a shot. Warbringer is probably my favorite newer thrash band and this one is no exception. (Or at least tied with Toxic Holocaust) I feel like it almost crosses into metal core tendencies at times, but not obnoxiously so. Other than that, it's high energy thrash and pretty well just rocks.
They aren't kicking my ass yet but I'm excited to listen to Twilight's third album (Beneath Trident's Tomb) and Coffinworm's second (IV.I.VIII).

Anybody else excited/disdainful about these new releases?

Drug my feet on picking this one up forever because people were bitching about it. Saw the vinyl and mp3s together on amazon for like $13 today and decided to give it a shot. Warbringer is probably my favorite newer thrash band and this one is no exception. (Or at least tied with Toxic Holocaust) I feel like it almost crosses into metal core tendencies at times, but not obnoxiously so. Other than that, it's high energy thrash and pretty well just rocks.

Great album, but metal core tendencies? Lol cmon now man ... you might want to give that album another spin.
Some big label needs to dig that out of obscurity and release it on cd and wax.

And tnb, I may be confusing melodeath tendencies with metal core because they're fairly similar but there's really no need to get excited about it, I really like the album.


Anyway, lot of people didn't like the album much because they took their foot of the gas pedal a little, but I still think it's just as good as their other stuff ... one of my favorites from last year.

And tbh, theres no melodeath tendencies either ... just thrash, through and through.

* but I guess I can say that it's probably their most versatile album yet.
Even the lyrics are corey

No... this can't be happening
Trying to forget, what I've become
Why? I fight with all my strength
But still the scars remain
Still they remain...
Searching for something that I will never find
How... was I so blind?

Another life is washed away
Nothing is left but pain
There is no change
Time heals nothing
Scars remain
Scars remain
Scars remain
Time heals nothing

I cringed at that as it played, without knowing exactly was being said. That isn't the only time either. Maybe it can be feelings thrash?


Love many things about this album, especially that fucking organ. So sick.

I keep hearing about this band, decided to check them out today.

Yep, I waited way too damn long. This is good stuff. I like it when a band is "throwback" instead of "retro". That they love the style, as opposed to just copying for its own sake.