Albums currently kicking your ass

Yeah but 99% of the metal thats posted is not trve kvlt metal, bro.

This would be fine if the prog/post metal stuff didn't suck. This is not even your fault or anything. I went through one SomeGuyDude's rec. I listened to a whole The Psyke Project song and it was all chugging/droning on ONE NOTE (really) with metalcore vocals over it. Seriously?

On one hand I like the acceptance of "modern" styles and whatnot, but chugging one note forever with teenage angst overlaying isn't what I mean.

Boring prog isn't either.
I fucking hate prog. I can get down with some post metal, but not a lot for that very same reason.

But Ill be the first to admit, I think I post more non-metal than I do metal. #YOLO
I fucking hate prog. I can get down with some post metal, but not a lot for that very same reason.

But Ill be the first to admit, I think I post more non-metal than I do metal. #YOLO

I'm YOLOing on the last Jute Gyte (which I like call Jew Gay) album. It's hipster shit, but I like it. And I really think he took the right turn in this whole experimental shit thing.

(Unlike the 1000 drone/stoner/hip metalcorey bands that have emerged lately. From somewhere. I don't even know why. They're all the same, uninspired crap.)

You may consider Vast Chains a proof that I'm open to non-trve metal if you like.
I recently found Tormentor's Seventh Day of Doom and they do in fact, kick ass.

I am also currently digging Dog Faced Corpse, Ominous' Intercorpse, Persefone's Spiritual Migration, Phalloplasty's Necrophagic Funeral Ritual also kicks ass, and Seeds of Iblis' The Black Quran is some of the better black metal I've heard. If I could find Nocternity on the internet to stream, because I'm poor, I'd say they'd be kicking my ass. Seeds of Iblis is influenced by them I think the influence can be heard and The Black Quran is their best work.

Persefone Spiritual Migration album:

Phalloplasty Necrophagic Funeral Ritual :

Seeds of Iblis The Black Quran :

Dog Faced Corpse "Broiled" (song) :

Ominous' Intercorpse :

Nocternity "A Fallen Unicorn" (song) :

Arson Anthem Insecurity Notoriety :
This would be fine if the prog/post metal stuff didn't suck. This is not even your fault or anything. I went through one SomeGuyDude's rec. I listened to a whole The Psyke Project song and it was all chugging/droning on ONE NOTE (really) with metalcore vocals over it. Seriously?

That kinda thing is one of those "if you like the style you'll like all of it" things. I adore Psyke Project but I wholly acknowledge that if you don't like zoning out to post/sludge stuff it'll be boring as fuck to you. Think of it as the opposite end of the spectrum from people who think grindcore sounds like throwing a bunch of instruments down a flight of stairs while screaming over it.


Anyway, let's keep the "not metal" gravy train going.

Meniscus - War of Currents

Kashiwa Daisuke - Program Music I