Albums currently kicking your ass


Elderwind - The Magic of Nature

Shouldn't the English be "The Magic of Living Nature"?
Boris - Pink

Not exactly metal here, but she did a Burzum cover so I think it's okay:

Chelsea Wolfe - Pain is Beauty

Kayo Dot - Hubardo

I dont know how in the fuck ive gone my whole life without ever hearing this album, but holy fucking shit. It rips, it grooves, and it soothes.

Fool is gettin' it good on this one. Incredible live album.
Zach is a good dude and our musical tastes are pretty similar. But we look nothing a like.

He looks like Vin Diesel, and I look like a homeless version of Ernest.

It's true. Cody looks like the lead singer of a badass metal band, I look like that toolbox who buys a Misfits shirt at the mall because it's "gonna look totally sweet at the gym, bruh"