Albums currently kicking your ass

Demonic Death Judge - The Descent

A Storm of Light - As the Valley of Death Becomes Us, Our Silver Memories Fade

That 2nd one is fucking amazing. It's like a slightly less angry but more grandiose Neurosis.
Well, if you are basing your opinion about the album with only a 5 minute listening experience, I believe you missed a lot.

Or maybe Im just talking crazy because I enjoyed it from the first 5 seconds.
If you don't like the post sound I don't think anything is gonna happen after the first 5 minutes to win you over. Meanwhile, if you do like post, pretty much as soon as it starts you know you're gonna be in for an amazing ride.
Well, if you are basing your opinion about the album with only a 5 minute listening experience, I believe you missed a lot.

Or maybe Im just talking crazy because I enjoyed it from the first 5 seconds.

I gave it a good 20 minutes and thought it was pretty dull. Perhaps I'll revisit in the near future.

Vhol - S/T

So badass. Progressive BM with NWOBHM shout-outs and some doom. Even some occasional McLaughlin-esque microtonal riffage. Loving it.
I would actually recommend it if you're into YOB (Mike Scheidt does vocals) or Krallice at all. Also, Aesop from Agalloch is on drums and the other 2 cats are past members of Ludicra. Bit of a super group, this one.

Voivod would also be a decent reference point.