Albums currently kicking your ass


Hour of Penance - The Vile Conception

Why did it take me so long to get into this band? I'm a huge Fleshgod Apocalypse fan. I just bought all their albums, should be a blast listening to them. Some of the best straight forward death metal I've heard in some time.

Edit: i just bought all of them except Disturbance. And they have a new one coming out fuck yeah.


This band is kicking my ass. The three albums I posted in this thread are all insanely badass. This is the way this kind of death metal was seriously meant to be played. Absolutely incredible band. I just pre-ordered their new one coming out in a couple of days which judging by the preview should another beast.

Got the wax in today. The gatefold is beautiful. Love the artwork for this one.

Musically this album blew me the fuck away. Initally Herbst's clean vocals felt out of place and erked me, but by the end of the record I grew quite fond of them and felt it worked.

Im curious to see how I relate to it after I spin it a few more times. But my initial reaction is nothing but positive, and quite frankly always has been for these guys. Beautiful album.
Im never big on thrash, but that Exmortus album fucking rips.


Dissonant, weird, technical, and yes maybe even brutal death metal. This fucking rocks.

Artificial Brain - Labyrinth Constellation
There are many in my metal Facebook group that fellate the shit out of Artificial Brain. I may have to actually give them another good hard listen.

I wasn't too sure how I felt about this one the first time through. The production didn't really sit well with me and the drum and guitar tones didn't sound right to me. But that aspect of the album is growing on me pretty quickly and I'm starting to think it's something I could easily get used to. Now what is actually being played I think it's a good progression for the band. They're becoming just slightly more musical from album to album.
I hope it's a step up from Sedition. That thing was just a nonstop mess of kick drums and way too much compression.
Well I don't know how you'll like this new one then because I fucking love the hell out Sedition. It sounds a lot different production wise than that album.