Albums currently kicking your ass

I've only listened to it through my laptop speakers so far but it made my day for sure. Going to blast it on my stereo system later today.
Oh yeah it IS good. Not as megaevil as the new TTNBLD and not as muddy as the new Impritual. Just fucking Dead Congregation as we know it. I've already seen people claim it's even better than GOTA. I will need more listens but so far it kills just as it's supposed to.

EDIT: Holy fuck, Nigredo. I love when Dead Congergation leaves the chords play and the drums pound. Like in Teeth Into Red. That full sound they achieve.

This is really fucking cool. Some weird ass almost traditional doom metal from India. I suppose it has stoner influence, but not the fat guy shouting jam version. This is slow and nasty and lo fi as fuck.
Blasting my 7" copy of this fucker. This is just as good as the first time I heard it. Also, amazingly kind and cool dudes. I got a fucking free Moorcock story from them because they wanted to give "good fantasy" to more people. I've got such a hard-on for this band, and so should you.


I may end up liking this more than Holographic Universe. I remember a few people on here saying they didn't like this when it came out. I'm curious as to why.
Suicidal NSBM? Sounds pretty vaginal to me.

It's not. It's when you're born a jew and you commit a suicide to clean the earth of your presence. Jewicide SS aryan winds 88 hakenkreuz autumn emotions razor cut scared of heights hitler etc.

Hour of Penance - The Vile Conception

Why did it take me so long to get into this band? I'm a huge Fleshgod Apocalypse fan. I just bought all their albums, should be a blast listening to them. Some of the best straight forward death metal I've heard in some time.

Edit: i just bought all of them except Disturbance. And they have a new one coming out fuck yeah.