Albums currently kicking your ass

Yea, Abysmal Dawn are awesome. Really looking forward to hearing their new stuff. But did someone just say their not techy? They've never been a full on technical death metal band, but did they dial down the technicality on the new album?
I meant to say not overly techy. Its still very much a technical death metal album, but not in a ridiculous Origin way
Black Fast - Starving Out the Light


Forgot how fucking awesome this album is. Full of sick riffs. Excellent vocalist. Might be the best new thrash band to come out in the past couple years.
I see that new Exodus getting a lot of praise, I must check out at some point. I was one of the few that actually loved The Atrocity Exhibition but couldn't stand to listen to more than two songs from Exhibit B. Hopefully having Zetro back in the band is the kick in the ass they needed.


Unbelievably heavy. Everything it should have been and more. There are moments that will remind you of albums from the Streetcleaner - Selfless years but this isn't derivative in the slightest. Its exactly what Godflesh in 2014 should sound like.