Albums currently kicking your ass

Requiem is actually pretty decent thrash. Much better than the first two shitfests or Hammerheart.

God damn HamburgerBoy, I really do fucking hate your pathetic existence. Go touch another dude's package and leave the manly Bathory to non-faggots.


Like, Summoning is my desert island band.

This is definitely my winter jam for cold walks in below-freezing conditions. Really gets the feet moving.


Polyphia - Muse

I know they look like total faggots but this band just knows how to deliver hooks consistently and write extra-musical sounding prog stuff. So impressed with the debut.
Requiem? Really? Aside from the Nordland albums and Blood on Ice, there is no reason to listen to any Bathory after Twilight of the Gods.

Yes. I like the thrash material in this one and the charm that comes with it. But on another hand, I'm one of those who like Bathory's discography.

This is definitely my winter jam for cold walks in below-freezing conditions. Really gets the feet moving.


Polyphia - Muse

I know they look like total faggots but this band just knows how to deliver hooks consistently and write extra-musical sounding prog stuff. So impressed with the debut.
I honestly listen to Cult of Luna and Neurosis more than Isis, but that's still a more than great album

Beneath the Remains seems to get more attention, but I have always considered Schizophrenia the best album from Sepultura. Septic Schizo, To the Wall, R.I.P. and Troops of Doom! :headbang: