Albums currently kicking your ass

I bought that CD at a show they played with Suffocation and Krisiun. Its a bad ass album. The show was great except a dude me and my buddies knew was there and was being a drunk dick and there a beer on stage. Schmeir got PISSED. We all beat the piss out of him for that. So rude.

It's one of my favorite albums. Still need to see them live.

He got what he deserves. Drunk fuckers who are annoying are the worst.
He was an asshole. Trust me, he deserved it for many other reasons other than that. But yeah, we beat him up a bit. Its not like we pummeled him into a coma. I'm not an animal. He just needed a little place putting.

EDIT: If you traveled from Germany to America to tour for fans, how would you feel getting hit in the face by a beer by the people you came to entertain? That alone is worth a couple punches.
Oh ok, I see, he traveled from Germany to America. That makes more sense now and you're totally right. I remember when I got hit by a beer once and I was ready to hit the fucking guy and he goes "Dude! wtf? did you travel a long distance recently!?" I said "Oh shit no I forgot" and went on my way
Christ youre a bitch... And that reply either doesnt exactly make sense or i have a lack of reading comprehension, which is a possibility.

Oh ok, I see, he traveled from Germany to America. That makes more sense now and you're totally right. I remember when I got hit by a beer once and I was ready to hit the fucking guy and he goes "Dude! wtf? did you travel a long distance recently!?" I said "Oh shit no I forgot" and went on my way
What? Are you a rich and/or uppity 13 year old or are you just a pansie? And I'm not totally following your imbecilic, unorganized thought process, but the principal is this asshole in the crowd chucked a beer in the face of the singer of the headline band that traveled across an entire planet to play music that this asshole paid to hear. If you worked at McDonald's and someone shoved a chicken sandwich into your face you would be morally correct in retaliating, right? So this guy writes songs, records albums and plays shows for years like a job. His job takes him across earth to make people happy and entertaining, and his reward is a beer to the face? Nothing there sends a wave of any empathy through you? What kind of metal head are you, bruh?

After listening to this a few times, i can firmly say people are just hating on the vocals because its not michael or peter. This album slays.
After listening to this a few times, i can firmly say people are just hating on the vocals because its not michael or peter. This album slays.

Either that or because the vocals are actually weak and makes the album less good than it could have been.
Nah its what i said. If any other lesser known band, no one would even mention the vocals.

That's true but then it's from another standpoint. Even if I think they should have gone with Peter Tägtgren, I could not care less if it was him or someone new that did the vocals as long as it had the power in it that you are familiar with in Bloodbath. Also when the band built up the high expectations with their comments about their upcoming album. It's still a decent and listenable album but the vocals are still weak.