Albums currently kicking your ass


I'm just going to say it: This is great. Not great by Behemoth standards, but great in metal standards. I have always enjoyed Behemoth, but I can understand at least some of the flack they get. This deserves a listen by anyone. Its not the Behemoth that every one knows. This is a different vibe, a different feel, a different approach. This is dark, Satanic metal
Try either Stronghold or Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame.

If you:
Don't like it, stop there
Kind of like it, stop there because they're all really similar
Really really fuckin like it, buy a few more.

I like the band but I have eight fuckin albums I can't tell apart and rarely play.
I kind of like it. Sounds like average black metal to me. Nothing special.
I'd recommend Dol Guldur or Old Morning's Dawn over Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame. I didn't like Summoning when I first listened to them either, and then something clicked with me. Ever since they I've been mildly obsessed.


This is really good people. <3 Alan

I'm just going to say it: This is great. Not great by Behemoth standards, but great in metal standards. I have always enjoyed Behemoth, but I can understand at least some of the flack they get. This deserves a listen by anyone. Its not the Behemoth that every one knows. This is a different vibe, a different feel, a different approach. This is dark, Satanic metal

It's just as good as Evangelion imo but it has a different sound and feel to it. It's a great album.
In honor of my birthday being shared with Jim Morrison, I am listening to nothing but The Doors today.

Happy birthday Jim. I didnt think Id make it past 27 like you, but happy I did to share another birthday with you. I'll make sure to get shitfaced tonight in your honor, but in the meantime this one's for you:


I am the Lizard King, I can do anything.

I'm just going to say it: This is great. Not great by Behemoth standards, but great in metal standards. I have always enjoyed Behemoth, but I can understand at least some of the flack they get. This deserves a listen by anyone. Its not the Behemoth that every one knows. This is a different vibe, a different feel, a different approach. This is dark, Satanic metal

Tbh I love Behemoth. I never understood the hate.
I mean, their black metal stuff was spotty (...And The Forests Dreamed Eternally and Grom ruled, the stuff between that and ZKC though was pretty hit or miss) but everything since Demigod has been pretty fucking awesome.
I don't have any huge problem with them (I do like Demigod), but they seem a touch too theatrical as of late and the whole Satan thing in general just seems a touch too "anti" and cliche. Maybe I'm just getting old :p
Demigod would've been an 10/10 album were it not for the production. It's their best piece, but were it produced like The Apostasy, all garage-y and shit, it would've been perfect.