Albums currently kicking your ass

Fuck yes!


Artificial Brain-"Labyrinth Constellation"

I forgot about this one. I saw them open for Destruction in 2009 and they put on a really bad ass show and the band were cool as fuck. I bought their CD and it was a favorite of mine for the year. Really fun, solid stuff.

The riffs are stupid simple, the vocals overpower everything, the snare is an empty coffee can, there is no low end and there's enough treble to murder a bull, but its still a fun fucking listen
I have to revisit that album myself. It really didn't do much for me either with the first couple listens.

Revisiting an old favorite. Back when I was 15, goth me was obsessed with this band. They are still awesome

I had Minas Morgul at one point but that's when I was first getting into black metal. I was not impressed at that time. It has been at least 6 years since I checked that band out so it's about time to revisit.
Try either Stronghold or Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame.

If you:
Don't like it, stop there
Kind of like it, stop there because they're all really similar
Really really fuckin like it, buy a few more.

I like the band but I have eight fuckin albums I can't tell apart and rarely play.