Albums currently kicking your ass


I've only listened to the new ND once and was pretty drunk and not giving it my full attention but it sounded good.

Anyone that likes the past four albums (which should cover anyone that likes extreme music) should enjoy it.

There's even a guitar solo.
I've heard Scum, Harmony Corruption (which I like, but not essential IMO), half of Diatribes and half of Words From The Exit Wound (both of which I shut off because I really did not like it.)
I'm going to do a you impersonation.

:lol: Yeah, ok, whatever you say kid.


but yeah, plenty of other better stuff to be listening to for me to bother with ND. Best thing they did was Harmony Corruption and that shit was nothing more than a ho-hum dm album at best.

Oh and i've been meaning to ask you since you have such great taste in music and used to be all into deathcore a few years back, which whitechapel and suicide silence albums would you recommend? :lol: I want to change my ways and be more trve like you and listen to all the AWESOME bands you listen to!
In your case i would probably skip them and go for some pseudo techdeathcore bullshit. I assume that more to your liking... Or just go French kiss a twelve gauge.
