Albums currently kicking your ass


Burn that witch!

Great album. Love the guys from The Lamp of Thoth.
Arkham Witch is the current form of The Lamp of Thoth. Expect styles ranging from hard rock, traditional heavy metal, running wild pirate metal, doom, and even an occasional thrashy bit from song to song. Great vocal delivery and catchy choruses you will be singing along to. I like their second album more than the one posted but it still great.

Oh and here's the original band because they fucking rock too

/end gushing about a band I really like
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Dude, you went U-A on us.

D_T, chaotic, dark, atmospheric black metal done fucking perfect. Reminds me of Ash Borer and Weakling.

One of my favs from the album:
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I thoroughly enjoyed all of the songs you both posted. That second AW song was fucking HEAVY. That main riff is so simple but so effective. TLoT song was hella evil too. I'll listen to more of both bands.

The Weird Fate song was phenomenal as well. Especially the clean bit leading up to that beautiful mid bit. Very well done. I'm going to listen to that album, too.

Thanks guys.

Beyond pissed that these fuckers have finally decided to hit the states (WITH PRIMITIVE MAN NONETHELESS), but dont go anywhere NEAR the West Coast.

So I decided to torture myself by playing this album in the hopes that my loathing and disappointment will land them a few extra shows my way, or that I some how, some way, make it to see them on this tour.
Heres the moment where we finally disagree...

Had to happen sometime :erk:

Haha yeah man. Nothing divides the black metal community up like Beherit. I remember liking this record when i first heard it, but listening to it again yesterday was amazing. May be better than DDtM,which I'm sure you're probably not a fan of anyways am i right?