Albums currently kicking your ass

Ash Borer - Bloodlands


I'm not usually the impatient type when I want to buy an album but since the dude behind this band is being lame about the release (20 copies per day only until sells slow) I'm taking a peek.
lol this is failx2. Jungle Rot is lame as fuck and you can't link the image. Retard.

I thought the band was lame too and then I saw them live. Stop pigeonholing yourself you goddamn fuckshovel. Go listen to the first two JR albums and then talk to me. Retard.

edit: I fixed the picture. It's extremely difficult to post that type of stuff from a phone because sometimes you can see it but others can't right away.
Or just listen to Obituary instead.
Jungle Rot is okay, especially their first demo and full length but I'm not sure they're overly special.
Jungle Rot is okay if you can accept that it's meathead metal. I enjoy listening to them on rare occasions, but I'm not gonna accept them as high art or anything and I hope no one else here does.
Or just listen to Obituary instead.
Jungle Rot is okay, especially their first demo and full length but I'm not sure they're overly special.

Well, yeah. Obituary is obviously superior.

Skin the Living and Slaughter the Weak are really good. The other two I've listened to are ones I enjoy, but they aren't going on a 'best of' list at all.

Jungle Rot is okay if you can accept that it's meathead metal. I enjoy listening to them on rare occasions, but I'm not gonna accept them as high art or anything and I hope no one else here does.

Knuckle-dragger death metal. I do like that style and they do it really well.

On KoC, I really like the drumming. Nothing overly technical or special, but it's just phrased well.

It's annoying me slightly because the backing guitar tracks seem mixed much lower than usual, and as far as I can tell my equalizer is turned off and can't find any particular reason for this to be the case. That aside, still kickass power metal.