Albums currently kicking your ass

You're such a baby dude

No, I'm pretty sure you're just a dick. You purposely don't follow my instructions even when I ask politely (you aren't the only one, but you're a main culprit) and whine about things I post without contributing anything to the thread (ie: death metal redux).

That being said, I guess I'll contribute to my own thread :wah:


Devin Townsend - Ocean Machine: Biomech

Started listening to his stuff today. Better than I remember but this album is off the chain. Synchestra was my only previous experience with his stuff and better than I remember too.
See this is where you're just wrong. I haven't posted an album without an explanation in two weeks. When you asked if people weren't interested in redoing the death metal voting thread I said I wasn't and haven't posted there since.

Edit: looking through my recent post history, I've been fairly on topic actually...
Devin Townsend - Ocean Machine: Biomech

Started listening to his stuff today. Better than I remember but this album is off the chain. Synchestra was my only previous experience with his stuff and better than I remember too.

That's a disappointing way to get into Mr. Townsend. Synchestra is by far the worst record he's ever done and his only "bad" album, really. His SYL stuff is ok (City is easily the best) but his solo work is worlds better.

Ocean Machine is killer. I'm much older now than I was when I first got into that album, but it had a profound effect on me, as did Infinity and Physicist.

Newer stuff is also killer, especially Ziltoid (1), Addicted, Ghost and Sky Blue. And it's not a heavy record, but last year's Casualties of Cool was my album of the year by about a million miles and in a crowded field. Great stuff indeed. But yes... Ocean Machine reigns supreme even after all these years.

:kickass: it's odd metal blade keeps these guys around. No bullshit 1000% satan stupid black thrash. Can't wait for their new one.

First time hearing these guys and color me impressed. Groovy black metal right here. A lot of it is laid back black metal, and they definitely mix it up nicely with atmosphere and progressive influences. Can't wait to check the rest of their shit out.