Albums currently kicking your ass

even though you think you are some unique snowflake who knows everything about everything in metal, you aren't.

you are annoying and you derail every thread with gibberish

learn before you speak

plus, i dont even post here the only reason i even did is because you just dont seem to get it. my fucking god

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I never said I knew a lot about metal. I'm actually new to the scene.
You say that I derail every thread, yet you just completely threw this off.
Anyway, lets get back on topic.
the boy george reference means that im the little ghost

it was about me

the thing im saying is you come off as too much. seriously just don't ask stupid questions without doing research and please dont call a death metal band avante unless you know what it means

no one knows what it means. never use it. a picture of depressing trees isnt a thing to all of a sudden say avante garde

i like depressing trees, dont get mew wrong, but they are always sorrowful black metal or doom

anyways, thats beside the point. just calm down. seriously. it's painful to witness your stupid fucking glee


*pats self on back*