Albums currently kicking your ass

i'm looking for these ass kicking albums... didn't care much about music last few years but now i really miss it

these forums changed
Listen to:
Iced Earth - The Dark Saga
Impending Doom - The Serpent Servant
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines

Essentials imo.


I finally picked this up. It is the most beautiful masterpiece of metal I've ever heard.

^Possibly one of the best album arts ever^

I think Bolt Thrower has a sound/style very similar to Sodom.
Warhammer 40,000 and Bolt Thrower were a match made in heaven - I don't know why Bolt Thrower didn't continue the marriage.

BTW, if you like badass grim dystopian sci-fi fantasy (or early Bolt Thrower lyrics), you should read some WH40K novels. They rule like an iron-fisted tyrant!