Albums currently kicking your ass

It flows perfectly to me. Anyone who is a fan of progressive music could understand the changes imo. Problem is some of you can't handle complex song structures and creativity :p

I love good progressive music.

Problem is, this is not it. TSOP is "prog music" for people unable to analyze music beyond simple surface value. It is complexity for the sake of complexity, without regard for actually creative and skilled songwriting (no, TSOP is not creative, see above about the "prog for people who cant see past basic surface value"). Each song is nothing more than a collection of sections that have no business being slapped together, then given a song title and lyrics.

Tl;dr version: find better prog.
I love good progressive music.

Problem is, this is not it. TSOP is "prog music" for people unable to analyze music beyond simple surface value. It is complexity for the sake of complexity, without regard for actually creative and skilled songwriting (no, TSOP is not creative, see above about the "prog for people who cant see past basic surface value"). Each song is nothing more than a collection of sections that have no business being slapped together, then given a song title and lyrics.

Tl;dr version: find better prog.

It's not just prog. I also enjoy the thrash and death elements. Find me a better thrash/death/prog album and I'll be a happy metalhead. I disagree. I think the changes fit well together. It's creative, maybe it just sounds slapped together to your ears.

Just LOL at the "unable to analyze music" comment. Write your own thesis on mathematical music theory and we can talk.
It is not creative. Bands have been doing the "LOL lets put this section next to this contrasting section, SO FUCKING PROG MAN" thing for decades. It's not creative, and it's not skilled; it's a copout songwriting technique designed to make a song appear "progressive" to prog metal nerds who wouldn't know about actual progression (see: the goal of true progressive music) if it fucking mushroom stamped them across the forehead. Say what you will, but saying it is creative is factually incorrect. I'm sorry that you got duped.

Also you've written about the mathematics of music theory, but you tell people they have "broken ears" for saying a mish-mash, slapped together album like TSOP is shit? Wow. Actually sorta dumbfounded tbh.

Find me a better thrash/death/prog album and I'll be a happy metalhead.

So you admit you only like it because you cant find an album of higher quality that fits that specific genre mash?
It is not creative. Bands have been doing the "LOL lets put this section next to this contrasting section, SO FUCKING PROG MAN" thing for decades. It's not creative, and it's not skilled; it's a copout songwriting technique designed to make a song appear "progressive" to prog metal nerds who wouldn't know about actual progression (see: the goal of true progressive music) if it fucking mushroom stamped them across the forehead. Say what you will, but saying it is creative is factually incorrect.

Also you've written about the mathematics of music theory, but you tell people they have "broken ears" for saying a mish-mash, slapped together album like TSOP is shit? Wow.

Actually sorta dumbfounded tbh.

So you admit you only like it because you cant find an album of higher quality that fits that specific genre mash?

I like it because it is the best album that fits that specific genre mash. And that specific genre mash combines my top three favorite genres of metal. So naturally I praise the album as better than most metal albums. Not so hard to understand really. It's also why I see it as a creative album, it's the best of its class. I think the changes and pacing are well placed. It never gets boring. Math & music theory has nothing to do with why I like this album, but everything to do with why I'm laughing at your comment 'unable to analyze music' i have a master's degree in analyzing music. It's not a mish mash. Listen again. Keep listening. You will get it if you give a chance. Every listen I enjoy this album more, like any good prog it takes some warming up to. As a fan of prog you should know about that. I truly believe this is Schuldiner's masterpiece.
What "true progressive music" do you even listen to, Butt? Sounds like you're just repeating what you've heard other people say because you think it makes you sound smart.
fwiw while I dislike the album I don't think the "disjointed" thing fits it that well. It's a stupid meme tbh, by the usual Manilla Road/The Chasm-fellating tr00 metal hipster crowed. It's really not that different from the previous three albums, it's just longer and with a higher riff-density. You'll cowards could never listen to Watchtower.
I like it because it is the best album that fits that specific genre mash. And that specific genre mash combines my top three favorite genres of metal.

Best =/= good. A turd covered in gold flakes may be the best turd you've ever seen, but it's still a turd.

Also the second part is a purely superficial quality. If I want to listen to progressive, thrash, and death, I'll listen to examples with actually good songwriting; even if I have to listen to the three genres separately. Why settle for a poor effort that combines all three when I could have great examples of each separately?

it's also why I see it as a creative album, it's the best of its class.
That's not what creative means. Creative means doing something new or unique, which TSOP does not. Its the same tired cliches prog metal bands have been doing since the inception of the genre. Except with some death and thrash thrown in.

And no, genre mashing is not unique either, it is another thing that musicians have been doing for ages.

I think the changes and pacing are well placed. It never gets boring.
Your loss then.

Math & music theory has nothing to do with why I like this album, but everything to do with why I'm laughing at your comment 'unable to analyze music'
'Unable to analyze music beyond simple surface value'. Get the quote right. You are getting lost in the surface value of the music and failing to see beyond the superficialities. Sorry, but again; you got duped man.

i have a master's degree in analyzing music. It's not a mish mash. Listen again. Keep listening.
Yes it is. Listen again. Keep listening.

You will get it if you give a chance. Every listen I enjoy this album more, like any good prog it takes some warming up to. As a fan of prog you should know about that. I truly believe this is Schuldiner's masterpiece.
I've given this album a chance for over a decade. TSOP is just poorly executed. Sorry.

What "true progressive music" do you even listen to, Butt? Sounds like you're just repeating what you've heard other people say because you think it makes you sound smart.

What true progressive music do I listen to?

Mainly prog rock, because prog metal is mostly universally shit. Yes, Pink Floyd, Camel, Genesis, Magma, etc. Bands where the song actually progresses.
fwiw while I dislike the album I don't think the "disjointed" thing fits it that well. It's a stupid meme tbh, by the usual Manilla Road/The Chasm-fellating tr00 metal hipster crowed. It's really not that different from the previous three albums, it's just longer and with a higher riff-density. You'll cowards could never listen to Watchtower.

You seem to be quite butthurt about Manilla Road/The Chasm fans.

Did Mark Shelton and Daniel Corchado eiffel tower your mother and make you watch or something???? Genuinely curious :Spin:
wtf is wrong with people on this forum lately anyway. Everyone's so bitchy it makes me not even want to stick around. All I did was post an album and I say it was one of my favorites ever. You fuckers do the same thing all the time and I stay silent unless I like the album too. If you're just going to talk shit about other people's music then stfu and say nothing at all. It's degenerate to the community around here what you do. Who wants to come here and read this shit honestly?

I like the album, so the fuck what. Why do people try and ruin that. Fucking assholes.

Here, The Butt, list all of your favorite shit and I'll tear it to shreds. Sounds like a fun exercise right?
Define "actually progresses". Again, you're just repeating buzzwords/catchphrases. I doubt you could give any examples of prog metal cliches in The Sounds of Perseverance beyond "disjointed", "random", "un-fitting", "technical for its own sake", and other things that aren't actually cliches but just hidden code for "People with GOOD TASTE don't like it". The cliches on the album are primarily Chuck's, not prog's in general.

Camel and Pink Floyd are dull as fuck, btw. What's your favorite album and song by Yes?
btw Baroque, people shitting on each other is pretty common here. A lot of people just enjoy arguing about stuff for the hell of it, myself included. The Butt is someone that can't even argue, he just repeats himself a lot until he breaks down and is unable to say more than "Nuh-uh, you are". He's the last person you should lose sleep over.
wtf is wrong with people on this forum lately anyway. Everyone's so bitchy it makes me not even want to stick around. All I did was post an album and I say it was one of my favorites ever. You fuckers do the same thing all the time and I stay silent unless I like the album too. If you're just going to talk shit about other people's music then stfu and say nothing at all. It's degenerate to the community around here what you do. Who wants to come here and read this shit honestly?

I like the album, so the fuck what. Why do people try and ruin that. Fucking assholes.

Here, The Butt, list all of your favorite shit and I'll tear it to shreds. Sounds like a fun exercise right?

You're the one that said people had broken ears. :lol: Now you're massively anal pained (like, Preparation H-level pained) because I called you out for it? Get real man.

As I said, lately I've been actually (believe it or not) trying not to be a dick about music. But then people say stupid cunty bullshit like the aforementioned "broken ears" remark so whatever. If one really can't take it, don't dish it. Either that or simply don't let forums get you so upset.

Also what is my favorite shit?
Burzum, Black Sabbath, Thy Light, Deathspell Omega, Mayhem, Judas Priest, Agalloch, Pink Floyd, Gehennah, Inquisition, Warning, Nyktalgia, Sargeist, Hank Williams Jr, Cloudkicker, Gris, Saint Vitus, The Chasm, Slayer, Arghoslent, Bathory, Darkthrone, sleepmakeswaves, Sarcofago, Coroner, Bolt Thrower, Morbid Angel, Manilla Road, Onward, Genesis, Manowar, Drudkh, Beherit, Explosions in the Sky.

Have fun, nerd. :lol: I don't really care.
I have a master's degree in analyzing music.

All this clinical, mathematical talk about music, objective and absolutist statements about what's good, what's creative etc is really sad.
Am I the only one that thinks music exists more on a spiritual realm?
Probably just me romanticizing music, but I fucking despise arguments like this.

This whole thing is just really fucking sad.
What "true progressive music" do you even listen to, Butt? Sounds like you're just repeating what you've heard other people say because you think it makes you sound smart.
This is exactly what he does. He sounds like he regurgitates something Dodens would've said every single time he disagrees with someone. He's nothing but a sheep towards the elitist community. It seemingly happened overnight.

Like what you like. That's all that matters. Fuck everyone else.

Fucking hilarious when people argue with someone about something they've studied for hours and actually have something to show for it. It's like a high school graduate arguing with a doctor over their judgment on something. Doctors can be wrong, but they aren't in my experience.
I'm gonna say this once and once only: Fuck right off man with your "Butt is a sheep" horseshit. Especially when (aside from tonight, in response to a statement that was blatantly condescending) I have been attempting to tone down the pushy attitude.

I like what I like; I am not a sheep, and there's really nothing wrong with being elitist.
You like what you like. Okay. You can keep telling yourself that. However, you tread all over others with your opinions and make them feel inferior. I'm asking you to stop.
Fucking hilarious when people argue with someone about something they've studied for hours and actually have something to show for it. It's like a high school graduate arguing with a doctor over their judgment on something. Doctors can be wrong, but they aren't in my experience.

Bad comparison, it's more like an art analyst and an art admirer arguing about what's good; there is no right answer because art is subjective and the two people just make assholes out of themselves.
Bringing up music credentials in an argument about taste is just shitty posturing.
You like what you like. Okay. You can keep telling yourself that. However, you tread all over others with your opinions and make them feel inferior. I'm asking you to stop.

Aside from tonight, when is the last time I have been overly pushy (by "overly pushy" I mean moreso than anyone else here)? I guarantee it was not recent.
Whenever I messaged you on Facebook but that's irrelevant and I'm not going to argue with you. Stop it completely now.

Which was at least a month or two ago, likely closer to two.

And it is not irrelevant. It is actually quite relevant, you don't get to backpedal when you make erroneous claims.

You brought the point up (that I do this often) and I proved it wrong (that the last time was not recent). So don't make points you can't substantiate. :) Thanks!