Albums currently kicking your ass


The Cure used to be so damn depressing.
Bad comparison, it's more like an art analyst and an art admirer arguing about what's good; there is no right answer because art is subjective and the two people just make assholes out of themselves.
Bringing up music credentials in an argument about taste is just shitty posturing.

Thank you for posting this.
All this clinical, mathematical talk about music, objective and absolutist statements about what's good, what's creative etc is really sad.
Am I the only one that thinks music exists more on a spiritual realm?
Probably just me romanticizing music, but I fucking despise arguments like this.

This whole thing is just really fucking sad.

Why not both? I can't speak for everyone else but sometimes I want to listen to something technically or compositionally superior, sometimes to drone out to something more majestic and spiritual, and other times just fucking bang my head like a neanderthal. Not so much trying to be a fence-mender man here, but there's a place for both mindsets and everything in between. There's just no need in getting bent out of shape on a fucking internet forum where the whole idea is to share/discuss shit in an already too-small subculture.
I like Thin Lizzy over The Chasm.

Why not both? I can't speak for everyone else but sometimes I want to listen to something technically or compositionally superior, sometimes to drone out to something more majestic and spiritual, and other times just fucking bang my head like a neanderthal. Not so much trying to be a fence-mender man here, but there's a place for both mindsets and everything in between. There's just no need in getting bent out of shape on a fucking internet forum where the whole idea is to share/discuss shit in an already too-small subculture.

Isn't that the point that it can be both? If it can be both, it therefore can't be just one, thus it's subjective.
I like Thin Lizzy over The Chasm.

Isn't that the point that it can be both? If it can be both, it therefore can't be just one, thus it's subjective.

My point being that there are different types of appreciation- both subjective and objective depending largely on the genre in question and the type of people discussing it. You can't so much compare prog with noise as they serve completely different purposes, but apples to apples you could legitimately compare two prog bands side by side in an objective fashion. Not really my thing an I'm probably moving in the exact opposite direction (ritual ambient FTW), but you have to concede its valid in some cases.
That's like saying you prefer bananas over pickup trucks

No it's like saying I prefer band a over band b.

My point being that there are different types of appreciation- both subjective and objective depending largely on the genre in question and the type of people discussing it. You can't so much compare prog with noise as they serve completely different purposes, but apples to apples you could legitimately compare two prog bands side by side in an objective fashion. Not really my thing an I'm probably moving in the exact opposite direction (ritual ambient FTW), but you have to concede its valid in some cases.

I don't follow your logic, how could you objectively compare two Progressive Rock bands?
Sure, perhaps on which is the more progressive, which is the more technical, I cede that point, but aren't we talking about quality?
If my idea of quality in a Progressive Rock band is for it to be not heavily progressive and instead to have a larger emphasis on the Rock, suddenly the idea of quality is different compared to someone else that defines quality in Progressive Rock by how measurable the technicality and progression is.

Quality is the subject here, and it's subjective.
Was it just a personal taste discussion at that point? Buttface was the first to mention musical analysis, which is an objective study. Whether or not it sounds fluid to the listener is subjective, but at the same time there is science/math to scales and the transition of one chord to the next and etc so the "random haphazard constructions" thing could potentially be debated from an objective POV.
"He made an argument instead of shitting on the floor and pointing to it while grunting 'Muh subjectivity', must be mental gymnastics"