Albums currently kicking your ass

Mine is Hotter Than Hell!

Eh, I'm used to dorks like you hating KISS, you can keep your crummy what the fuck you like, I'll have a beer to some KISS.
I don't really listen to KISS, but I would rather listen to them than sterile technical death metal with no soul. They're good for what they are, even though Gene Simmons is a douchebag for trying to sue King Diamond.
I don't really listen to KISS, but I would rather listen to them than sterile technical death metal with no soul bla bla bla yada yada yada ...

lol, your backhanded digs are hilarious.

Didn't you also think that Keep of Kalessin was "sterile, soulless technical death metal" :lol::lol: Absolutely clueless, but yet you seem to comment on things you know absolutely nothing about, all while trying to start and argument with me ... which will then proceed to you accusing me of starting an argument. Ugh, you're like a virus to this place.
lol, your backhanded digs are hilarious.

Didn't you also think that Keep of Kalessin was "sterile, soulless technical death metal" :lol::lol: Absolutely clueless, but yet you seem to comment on things you know absolutely nothing about, all while trying to start and argument with me ... which will then proceed to you accusing me of starting an argument. Ugh, you're like a virus to this place.

Weird. I never used any of those words, especially not "death metal" to describe them.

You act like a brat constantly and you should stop being so critical of everyone else in literally all of your posts if you can't handle any form of disagreement that you perceive as being directed at you.

I actually came in here to post this: