Albums currently kicking your ass

Daaamn. This album meshes genres incredibly well. Classical, folk and BM all work seamlessly. (Aquilus - Griseus)

Does it utilize folk in the usual tacky "look at us we use accordians and flutes" way? Or classier and more subtly, like Agalloch or Wodensthrone?

I'll give it a go either way, but I usually get put off when I hear folk in my metal.
Does it utilize folk in the usual tacky "look at us we use accordians and flutes" way? Or classier and more subtly, like Agalloch or Wodensthrone?

I'll give it a go either way, but I usually get put off when I hear folk in my metal.

The latter. It's mostly via acoustic guitars. Reminds me in a way of the Diablo Tristram tracks or maybe even early Ulver-esque? In any case the metal/classical influences are bigger than the folk.
Is this new? I definitely need to get to it soon, I love Horna.

I listened to it, loved it, listened again with more moshing and am going to check out the gatekrashor tonight. Sweet start to my catching up

awesome! i haven't actually posted a list yet, still checking out some stuff i missed. there's been plenty of good releases this year, though i've heard nothing that's good enough for, say, that modern classics thread IMO
awesome! i haven't actually posted a list yet, still checking out some stuff i missed. there's been plenty of good releases this year, though i've heard nothing that's good enough for, say, that modern classics thread IMO

There's alot I still haven't got to that I have lined up already. Ahab is first today.

I haven't looked through that thread yet. I will, but nothing I heard the first half of the year struck a classic nerve with me.