Albums currently kicking your ass

I'll have to get a list of the best 3 albums off you sometime, I haven't listened to rap since I was a kid driving to the local half pipe in my old mates older brothers Morris minor with his Run DMC tape

Edit: I noticed that you like a lot of rap and I wonder if it's a racial thing, we have spoken about our aboriginal heritage, my father has dark skin, literally there is no doubt that he is aboriginal when you see him but I am sure there is a definite time period there where I grew up as a kid in the 80's where rap consisted of this learn to breakdance triple cassette(I think) came out and forced me to take actual breakdance lessons where I learnt the backspin,electric worm and that thing I can still do with my arms. Bottom line, even though my father was a champion on the sporting field and still is off as well as a Vietnam vet,it was never cool to be 'proud' just tough as fuck and to let your actions speak. Strange nowadays to me that black music has been so widely accepted but it's not something I really care for TBH, I'd rather listen to Hall and Oates I think.
I have to thankyou because in honesty I've been allowed to run wild in this town for nearly 40 years because of my father and the feelings of protection he provided, listening to Nazi music and being a punk and this coming Father's Day I am going to let him know how much he means to me(whenever that is)
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Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death
I'll have to get a list of the best 3 albums off you sometime, I haven't listened to rap since I was a kid driving to the local half pipe in my old mates older brothers Morris minor with his Run DMC tape

Edit: I noticed that you like a lot of rap and I wonder if it's a racial thing, we have spoken about our aboriginal heritage, my father has dark skin, literally there is no doubt that he is aboriginal when you see him but I am sure there is a definite time period there where I grew up as a kid in the 80's where rap consisted of this learn to breakdance triple cassette(I think) came out and forced me to take actual breakdance lessons where I learnt the backspin,electric worm and that thing I can still do with my arms. Bottom line, even though my father was a champion on the sporting field and still is off as well as a Vietnam vet,it was never cool to be 'proud' just tough as fuck and to let your actions speak. Strange nowadays to me that black music has been so widely accepted but it's not something I really care for TBH, I'd rather listen to Hall and Oates I think.
I have to thankyou because in honesty I've been allowed to run wild in this town for nearly 40 years because of my father and the feelings of protection he provided, listening to Nazi music and being a punk and this coming Father's Day I am going to let him know how much he means to me(whenever that is)

I think that depends on what you mean by black music. First and foremost I grew up on blues, soul and r & b, but hip hop was introduced to me by my indigenous cousins.

Also yeah man I'd be happy to throw some recommendations at you.


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Cool I just wanted to state my not so usual background, looking back fuck my parents were/are great, total freedom they provided though I did cop shit for being a KISS old man returning from war found mum, the rest is history. I am very grateful though I still revel in being a kid around them, weird to think about especially when they question why I have no money and look at my record collection. I am in no hurry to get married put it that way.
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