Albums currently kicking your ass


Sheepdog's intensity on this album is still hard to match. Meanest thrash ever.
You don't need to, considering those are just English words spelled with Greek letters.

Only one I can decipher is nature. You should help a brother out.

I have a feeling the actual Greek letters are being used where they would be in the English alphabet but I don't recall what each English equivalent is for the Greek letters. Where's Zephyrus when you need him?

MA has this as stoner doom. Not sure about that, but whatever it is, it is super ballsy to go instrumental with a genre like doom. They fucking destroy it. I saw them live last Sunday opening for the Obsessed and they were surprisingly great. Just fucking killer no fucking frills doom metal. Give me them hook riffs and let me headbang my ass off.
Karma to Burn is local and they're always playing 45 minutes from my house but man I just don't like instrumental stuff. It's cool for background music but I ain't payin for that shit.