Albums currently kicking your ass

I'm on a Dutch death metal spree this week for some reason.


The last three albums posted are incredibly awesome.


all good albums
What I heard seemed to lead me in that direction, but there has been some seriously awesome death metal this year to contend with it ;)


New vinyl reissue, that is. It does have that art, and the sleeve is a bit thin and paper-y, and there's no insert...but that all doesn't really matter because look at the vinyl:


It's also apparently limited. *shock + awe*
wow, that Vendetta album really is great! :headbang:

edit: damn, so is that Atrophy album! and of course the mighty Demolition Hammer classic. :)
Yeah! I'm fucking loving it! Downloaded it a few days ago, and it's exactly my kind of thing... sadly it's totally out of print, but I managed to find a copy on foreign ebay and it's winging its way to me as we speak... I'm a dude that likes to own albums that I like.

I'm just glad someone else has heard of them, beacuse I sure as fuck hadn't! The first song War in particular just kicks so much ass...
lol dude i only checked them out when i saw your post. im glad you did! havent heard good old school thrash in awhile. :kickass:
:lol: Well, I'm glad you've heard of them now... if it's good old school thrash you want I can give you a whole heap of recommendations... For a start, if you like that Vendetta album try Heresy by Paradox, it's even better. A concept album about the crusades, which I know sounds ridiculous but is actually fucking sublime...

and yeah, both Atrophy albums are great!
Damn, you're recommending cool stuff I've never even heard of...I actually need to get Twisted into Form :

Thanks man! I guess thrash would be my specialist area, I can't get enough of it :) Always looking for more that I don't know too... and dude, gotta get Twisted into Form, it's my favourite thrash album... so technical, progressive and mental. Infinite is just about the best song ever by anyone :lol: Seriously, the songwriting on that album is incredible!