Albums currently kicking your ass

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@waif "the red in the sky is ours" is a killer album. love the violins, they give it a doomy gloomy atmoshpere.

i worship "serenades" by anathema at the moment. not that i'm saying that i don't enjoy their other (newer) albums as well, generally my favourite album varies depending on my mood. ans season
TRitSiO came 3rd in the 1992 thread so it's safe to assume most people here appreciate it.

I wish there was more death metal that is as emotionally charged and intelligent as that album. It is still ahead of its time even today. I love the first half of WFiKtBD as well, but it doesn't match TRitSiO for me even at its best, save perhaps for "Primal Breath" which is one of their greatest songs.

Still, The Red... has "Kingdom Gone", "Through Gardens of Grief", "Within" and "Neverwhere" which are peaks of the genre imo. The only weak spot is "Claws of Laughter Dead" which, even with intense familiarity with the album, still has jarring transitions to me.
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