Albums currently kicking your ass

New Amorphis album is streaming on their myspace. Holy fucking shit.


I don't give a shit what you people think, this album is absolutely magnicifient and theres nothing like it :kickass:

Also the artwork also kicks ass.
I've finally found some Death Metal that I like as much as the trad/power and doom that I normally listen to:



So yeah, I like them a bit more than Entombed. Well... Sort of..
If your into any Metalcore with technical riffs. I highly recommend the Psycroptic album I just posted. It's way different than their old shit but It's definitly one of my favorite technical albums by far. I don't understand why it has so much hate.
Yea Amorphis always has something interesting and different out. Which reminds me. Check out this one as well. My fav Ultimatum album

I don't give a shit what you people think, this album is absolutely magnicifient and theres nothing like it :kickass:

Also the artwork also kicks ass.

I also think this album kicks major ass. My favorites include Horde, Initiate, and A Calculated Effort.
Also liked how he changed his vocals from less distorted to more clean sound. Reminds me of Cephalic Carnage's "Piecemaker"