Albums currently kicking your ass

Yea the vocals are totally different from the past albums. It's like a completely different band as well. Really like the vocal technique in this album. Even though I'm not quite happy with their change of style I do like the new material and they could go either way. Symbols of Failure wasn't that great but they really came back even though they changed a bit more. I really liked Scepter of the Ancients and they could have and probably should of kept to taht style to keep a bigger fan base in the underground as well with the debut which was a similar style. It's not very natural vocals for most technical metal but I find it very acceptable and it gives each song an extra boost to the pleasure of hardcore dancing IMO since hte vocals change in good pace of mainly hardcore technical breakdowns that really get my drift in this album.
Well in scepter his grunts and gurgles were easier to keep him in rhythm with the guitar. So in that aspect I liked the vocals better on scepter. On this album I just think the breakdowns sound more appropriate and in better taste. They incorporated a good deal more hammer-ons and pull-offs also and that is one of the main reasons I like this band so much.
Whati like about Ob(Servant) is the vocals are more aggressive than Scepter. Scepter is moretowards a BDM album and the vocals usually remain the same. As in Ob(Servant) the vocals go from clear to little gurgling at times. In Ob(Servant) the riffs are also a little more unpredictable but they throw through good pace with the vocals. But you can hear the difference definitly.I wouldn't consider Ob(Servant) a death metal album though. Just not heavy enough. Still I give it 2 thumbs up. As for Scepter the vocals don't chagne much and its more of a predictable but still great album.
Dripping - The Lost Archives of Channeling Expeditions.

Since I cant find a pic of the real album art anywhere that isnt extremely tiny... I'll post this:

Yeah, I've noticed subtle differences in some threads like the one you stated and, for instance, the "Last 5-10 you have listened to" because you basically just repost your nping posts.
Since when can anything other than praise be said of Devourment?

Things other than praise can be said of Devourment ever since the existing of differing music tastes, and a lot of people find brutal and slam death to be retarded, pointless music, so you honestly can't be that surprised.
Not really, since some people may find the objective of certain music, which seems to be brutality over form in the case of that type of music, to be pointless. That's a dumb argument to even make when different music intends to accomplish obviously different goals through obviously different means, so some may find the goal and route some music takes to achieve its goal to be pointless and uninteresting.
Not really, since some people may find the objective of certain music, which seems to be brutality over form in the case of that type of music, to be pointless. That's a dumb argument to even make when different music intends to accomplish obviously different goals through obviously different means, so some may find the goal and route some music takes to achieve its goal to be pointless and uninteresting.

Can you be any more pretentious?

back ON topic...

Darkthrone - Hate them