Albums currently kicking your ass


Great album.
Yes it is. Rap has a point, we just don't like it (I do like some hip-hop myself, and I know a few others here do as well). But there is a point. Why would they create the music with no point to it whatsoever? C'mon now.

@Omni: Some may find the goal or route to the goal pointless, but there is still a goal for the person creating the music. Whether someone else gets it or finds it pointless does not change the fact that there is a point.
Sure, if you think it's legitimate to call songs about rims, drugs and bitches a "point." - That's rap. Hiphop on the other hand is a different story.
Hip Hop rules...You ever listen to real rap? with good lyrics...No cuz you think every rapper is like lil wayne and 50 cent..who both are fake..untalanted hacks....Just like Metal...The best rap is in the underground....But in the 90s-early '00s all rap was good....Now they only play shit on the radio.

All the best rappers don't sing about money, bitches and rims you ass..Grow up and learn something...Your just as stupid as people who think Korn and Limp Bizkit are metal..and when you say your a metalhead they go "oh like mudvayne blah blah blah"

Method Man/Redman - The Blackout II
Sure, if you think it's legitimate to call songs about rims, drugs and bitches a "point." - That's rap. Hiphop on the other hand is a different story.

I actually consider the former 'hip hop'. I'm talking stuff like early Wu-Tang Clan, Dr. Dre and such

Some of that is considered hip hop and some is considered rap, but I don't really know the difference so I call all the stuff I listen to 'rap'
Things other than praise can be said of Devourment ever since the existing of differing music tastes, and a lot of people find brutal and slam death to be retarded, pointless music, so you honestly can't be that surprised.

Can you be any more pretentious?

I would generally concede that I was behaving pretentious as I'm frequently known to do so, although it's worth noting on a seriously level that my point is actually the opposite of pretentious and that you just failed to understand what I was saying at all.

@Omni: Some may find the goal or route to the goal pointless, but there is still a goal for the person creating the music. Whether someone else gets it or finds it pointless does not change the fact that there is a point.

That's just it. Some people will obviously not see the need or point for certain styles of music, whether due to ignorance of the style of music, disinterest or a variety of other factors that will cause that kind of music to seem pointless from their perspective. Much like I stated in the post that started this discussion, many people may find a genre of music pointless from their perspective, which is a perfectly logical thing for them to believe if they see no point in it.

As new and unusual as this might seem to some people, it isn't remotely new or hard to understand concept, and it also applies to most other things that people can either like or dislike. If you think about it, I'm 100% positive that you'll be able to find quite a few things, musical or otherwise, that other people enjoy which you have no interest in due to you seeing no point in them for any number of possible reasons. It's a delightfully simple concept known as having an opinion based on your own perception.

I was a huge fan on God was Created, really don't know why I waited so long to try this album out.

I was a huge fan on God was Created, really don't know why I waited so long to try this album out.
DT is using the word 'point' to mean intended purpose omni, you're both talking past each other. if you don't recognise an intended purpose then you're not having an opinion, you're just ignorant. considering the value of achieving that purpose is another matter.
I think Omni and I are about on the same page here. It's perception. However, one's perception does not change the 'intended purpose' for the other. I find gaming pointless, but many people here do not. My belief does not change the purpose for them.

@Meh: You=ignorant. Even those rappers that talk about drugs and bitches (though I do not enjoy it usually) talk about them because it's legitimate to them. So there is a point. Layne Staley talked about heroin. Is that pointless? Hell, My Dying Bride talks about heroin. That's a drug. 'Heroin Chic' is about drugs and bitches. You don't like the style, but there is a point.

More interesting than any other proto black/death, which can easily get bland in all it's low key rawness imo. A really good mix of melody and brutality, and nice atmospheric acoustic parts. The songs from the Incantation ep are best.