Albums currently kicking your ass

I just mean in this instance of constantly posting about shows people like me would love to go to that are cheap that he won't go to.

By no means am I a big Amon Amarth fan, but this is their crowning achievement to me.
Fine mixture of Unleashed and melodic metal.

I haven't listened to that one, so I can't vouch for it, but I've always thought Versus the World was their peak, for it's bleakly melodic atmosphere combined with a dense and heavy sound. Fate of Norns captured some of that same magic, but they've been steadily growing more and more formulaic and redundant ever since then. I'd say Surtur Rising was when they officially became stale, and I can't be arsed to listen to their subsequent albums.

Listening to these guys first 3 albums a lot lately......great stuff

The first three albums are some of the best death metal ever created. Their back catalog other than these is also pretty solid.
I'm only familiar with/own the first 3. Agree one of my favorite dm bands. Where do i go from there with their albums? What other ones are worth picking up?

Dead Man's Path (latest record)
The Will to Kill

I need to get the rest of their catalog but most is OOP and very hard to find for a decent price tbh
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I just mean in this instance of constantly posting about shows people like me would love to go to that are cheap that he won't go to.

By no means am I a big Amon Amarth fan, but this is their crowning achievement to me.
Fine mixture of Unleashed and melodic metal.

View attachment 11733

This is my fav song of theirs:

And @Serjeant Grumbles is right, they've become really formulaic since like Fate of Norns, but still, they have some interesting pieces here and there. This one rocks:

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I agree. After WOOOS, they became super formulaic but have really good songs strewn about. The last album sucked dick though.

Vs. The World, The Crusher and the above record are their best IMO (in before Once Sent From The Golden Hall)
I really like Twilight of the Thunder God. It's probably too upbeat to even be death metal but it's some fun stadium rock death metal.

I don't deserve their sympathy
I know who I am
My soul is death and misery
I am an evil man!
I guess they have a niche though if I want something with that aesthetic I'll definitely go to the much higher quality Windir, Enslaved, Bathory, Moonsorrow or for a more upbeat mood Tyr or Ensiferum.

Currently kicking my ass with some raw psychedelic mildly folky BM:
Triptych Vision 1 by Alignak

When it comes to Amon Amarth, I have a hard time caring about anything that isn't "Twilight of the Thunder God" and not because I think that is a good album, but because it's so unbelievably catchy and fun. It's fucking pop metal essentially, and damn is it a good time. WOOOS is the only other one I've checked out and it's solid.
This is my fav song of theirs:

Their debut record rules.

And @Serjeant Grumbles is right, they've become really formulaic since like Fate of Norns, but still, they have some interesting pieces here and there. This one rocks:

For me, the watering down of their heaviness is the main issue with their trajectory. Also their continuing reliance on very mainstream, powerless production jobs.
I guess they have a niche though if I want something with that aesthetic I'll definitely go to the much higher quality Windir, Enslaved, Bathory, Moonsorrow or for a more upbeat mood Tyr or Ensiferum.

Kind of weird to even link those bands together in any way for me unless your only possible connection is wiking lyrics. Windir is about as far from AA as extreme metal bands get.
Kind of weird to even link those bands together in any way for me unless your only possible connection is wiking lyrics. Windir is about as far from AA as extreme metal bands get.

Sonically, sure. I guess that ties into the whole 'Is Viking Metal actually a genre' argument.
This is how I rank their records:

1. The Avenger
2. Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds
3. Versus the World
4. Once Sent from the Golden Hall
5. With Oden on Our Side
6. Twilight of the Thunder God
7. Fate of Norns
8. The Crusher
9. Jomsviking
10. Deceiver of the Gods
11. Surtur Rising