Albums currently kicking your ass


If this isn't as close to perfection as any other album I don't know...
Delta Momma Blues is probably my favorite Townes album, but the s/t is pretty much on the same level.
Tapping the Vein is bland? I recommend you revisit it.

I did years ago, and it's fucking bland. When I first heard it, before I knew Demolition Hammer and other heavier thrash mainstays, I thought it was great too. The production is a little beefier than their previous and it's consistently faster than the two preceding, but then I realized that the riffing is still just the same old boring bullshit. Easily dozens of albums from the early 90s that blow it away on all fronts.
You for starters. You listen to like ten in-crowd approved thrash albums and think you have an objective sense of Tapping the Vein's worth. Riff-wise the album is lighter than Testament and Exodus, let alone their then-contemporaries in Holy Moses and Protector. It's a boring fucking album and the production is literally the main thing that sets it apart from other Sodom albums.
I think it's decent but in terms of composition and riffs, it's definitely a limp noodle. Especially where bands like Protector and Holy Moses are concerned.
Tapping the Vein has always been a wonderful album to come back to. The fact that Sodom were an older band that managed to tap into the same kind of sound that Demolition Hammer, Morbid Saint and Pestilence were doing while managing to retain their own identity in the process is what makes it great. Not to mention the riffs. THE GODDAMN RIFFS.

I think it's decent but in terms of composition and riffs, it's definitely a limp noodle. Especially where bands like Protector and Holy Moses are concerned.

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Tapping the Vein has always been a wonderful album to come back to. The fact that Sodom were an older band that managed to tap into the same kind of sound that Demolition Hammer, Morbid Saint and Pestilence were doing while managing to retain their own identity in the process is what makes it great. Not to mention the riffs. THE GODDAMN RIFFS.
I think it's decent but in terms of composition and riffs, it's definitely a limp noodle. Especially where bands like Protector and Holy Moses are concerned.

You for starters. You listen to like ten in-crowd approved thrash albums and think you have an objective sense of Tapping the Vein's worth. Riff-wise the album is lighter than Testament and Exodus, let alone their then-contemporaries in Holy Moses and Protector. It's a boring fucking album and the production is literally the main thing that sets it apart from other Sodom albums.

Wtf? I didn’t even mention Tapping the Vein! I like Sodom but feel quite similar to you about them overall. Destruction is much better. You just went way too far when you said you’d rather be listening to Anthrax!
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Btw, are the new Sodom releases worth giving a listen? The last one I've heard from them was M-16.

In War and Pieces is good. I remember liking Decision Day but I havent heard it for a while now.

The Final Sign of Evil is interesting. They took the original In the Sign of Evil lineup, and rerecorded it while "finishing the album" with new songs in the old way. I havent heard Get What You Deserve through Code Red. I need to buy them soon.
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