Albums currently kicking your ass

@Phylactery did The Spooky Gloom ever get reissued? I remember years ago Memento Mori in Spain had the rights (or so they said) but I dont think it materialized.

No, not to my knowledge. Shit really needs a reissue as it seems impossible to find at a decent price. It's on Discogs fro £40 plus at the minute.

Since I'm in such a death/doom mood at the minute, what are people's favourite death/doom records or songs?

I'm not much of a fan of the more gothicy Paradise Lost/My Dying Bride stuff personally.
Last One on Earth is a pretty simple go to. The Eternal Darkness comp, Total Darkness is surely worth hearing. I've always been a fan of Moondark - The Shadowpath too. Just big heavy meatiness.

For later stuff, the first two Hooded Menace are monstrous.
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Fuck yeah, I love that Moondark as well. That guitar tone and production is absolutely filthy. Not sure I really consider it death/doom though. It’s more like Finnish stuff like Rippikoulu and Purtenance - just slow, dirty death metal.
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Most death/doom is just 'slow death metal' isnt it? Rarely does the genre really have that traditional doom metal influence. Black/doom is a lot rarer but seems to be the same way. Not many black metal bands embrace sabbath like Faustcoven.

Just listened to this album for the first time in a while and it kicked my ass. The more I listen to this band, the more I prefer them to Testament. At least Gary Holt can still write some good riffs. All hail Zetrodus!

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Just listened to this album for the first time in a while and it kicked my ass. The more I listen to this band, the more I prefer then to Testament. At least Gary Holt can still write some good riffs

Yeah, it surprised me as well. Pretty much leagues ahead of Testament's new stuff.
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Yeah, it surprised me as well. Pretty much leagues ahead of Testament's new stuff.

I really enjoyed Dark Roots of Earth but even when Exodus had Rob Dukes I still enjoyed a majority of it. Probably the most consistent OG thrash band I've heard so far. I know people will say Overkill but I honestly only like The Years of Decay from that band and I haven't listened to it in years.