Albums currently kicking your ass




Anatomy Twisting Depths of Horror; Dark Religion; For Those Whose Eyes Are Black

Killer OSDM from Australia.

With a fresh ear this actually sounds pretty great tbh, it's like it took the addition of a keyboard for Mark Shelton to write meaningful chord progressions.

EDIT: Oh, DOA is a cover. Of course it fucking is.
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Pretty sure you have one of these epiphanies every time you listen to Manilla Road and you realise they’re nowhere near as bad as you make out. Perhaps you should stop spouting opinions on albums you’ve heard once years ago.

To be fair, I think everyone is guilty of this to some extent. Judging things on one listen many years ago without realising that your tastes do change over time. I also wonder how many would-be-classics get lost because no one bothered to put the effort into listening to them more than a few times. Some of my favourite albums took multiple listens to really appreciate, but I was willing to put that extra effort in because they were already established classics/revered within the underground, so I made that effort to try to understand why.
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Pretty sure you have one of these epiphanies every time you listen to Manilla Road and you realise they’re nowhere near as bad as you make out. Perhaps you should stop spouting opinions on albums you’ve heard once years ago.

To be fair, I think everyone is guilty of this to some extent. Judging things on one listen many years ago without realising that your tastes do change over time. I also wonder how many would-be-classics get lost because no one bothered to put the effort into listening to them more than a few times. Some of my favourite albums took multiple listens to really appreciate, but I was willing to put that extra effort in because they were already established classics/revered within the underground, so I made that effort to try to understand why.

No, Crystal Logic is still garbage no matter how many times I listen to it, and the few songs I really like from Open the Gates are the same few I've basically always liked. The Courts of Chaos was the album that got me interesting in giving them another chance after the aforementioned disappointed me so I don't think I've ever hated on that one particularly strongly, it's just better than I thought. fwiw it's still like a 6/10 overall.

Listening to The Circus Maximus now. Fuck yeah alt metal Mark Shelton.