Albums currently kicking your ass

I used to shittalk Pain of Salvation more than black metal about a decade ago, but tbh their first four albums are all pretty good (sometimes great). If a super-effeminate alt metal Dream Theater sounds appealing, they're worth it.
Is that band worth checking out?

Seeing them live tonight for the second time. Incredible live band. Perfect vocals. One of the best prog bands out there. May be too cheesy for your liking at first, but they've got incredible musicianship to offer. When I saw them in August at Brutal Assault, I was completely immersed in their performance. I was utterly mesmerized, and although I recognized only one track, it was one of the best gigs of the entire festival. Definitely worth checking out. I lingered for too long with them, should have checked them out much earlier. The track below is just mind-blowing, and I guess it properly showcases their almost 30-year career.

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