Albums currently kicking your ass


Khemmis - Desolation

So this just shot to the top of my 2018 list. Which isn't saying all that much yet, because I haven't been paying much attention to new releases. And the new Voivod will probably dethrone it in 10 days. But it's fucking great! Not familiar with the band but it feels very Argus-y, mid-tempo doom with occasional ventures into USPM territory for the uptempo bits.
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Druid Lord - Grotesque Offerings

And I thought Hooded Menace was good death doom! This blows Ossuarium blahblah out of the water! Grimey, heavy-as-fuck Celtic Frost/Dream Death-worship that reaches from the grave and pulls you into the underworld like the hand on the Evil Dead poster.
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Yea it’s good. It’s nowhere near as good as Hooded Menace’s first two but yeah it beats out their last few.
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Sonic Brew was my intro to BLS about 10 year ago. I thought it was crap, and didn't bother listening to them again until now. This album's much catchier.

Sonic Brew was very much a transition album. The Blessed Hellride was also my intro to the band but I've since been listening to their more recent stuff. Catacombs of the Black Vatican is an amazing record but I'll always love the knuckle draggerness of 1919 Eternal.

Stronger than Death and Shot to Hell are probably the weakest albums Zakk did with this band. Mafia is widely to be considered a bad album but it has a lot of replay value to me and it has some bangers on it (Suicide Messiah, Fire It Up)

We need more BLS fans here. This band is overall pretty solid.
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