Just not enough room in the top 10, this might sneak in though, amazing guitars and powerful vocals. Reminds me in some ways of Yngwie's work with certain vocalists
I’ve been listening to little else but The Chasm in preparation for the the discography ranking thread. This will rank fairly highly for me and I honestly don’t understand those that have ranked it below The Spell of Retribution. The closing track is everything, one of the best closing tracks ever and possibly the best song over 10 minutes I’ve ever heard.
For me the main reason I put Farseeing... directly below The Spell... was because I thought Farseeing... had a relatively weak drum sound and The Spell... had a monstrous, punishing, pummeling drum sound. It was a very close one though and things may change as The Chasm slowly becomes a staple in my listening habits.
You and your bloody drum sound obsession hahaha. I knew that’d probably be a factor in it! Farseeing is a better produced album overall than The Spell imo.
Anyway, my biggest disagreement with your list is having Conjuration of the Spectral Empire so low - second from bottom iirc. That’s fucking bonkers to me.
After the debut everything is top tier shit so something great was bound to get placed low my dude. Also I agree Farseeing... is definitely the better produced, sans the soft pitter-patter drumming.
An album with weak drumming is like a girlfriend who does weak spanking.
So much better than Dawn of Infinity. All those uplifting folky melodies I missed are back. I do wish they'd just let Christian Horton sing instead of finding more technically proficient but also more forgettable singers to replace him. This guy's alright though, despite what reviewers say. I guess my appreciation for Dark Forest vocalists is proportional to how much reviewers shit on them.