Albums currently kicking your ass


A deranged masterpiece.
album art.jpg

This is really cool. Mystical mysterious stuff that I'd think would remind you of maybe Wytch Hazel or Tarot or dare I say it Pagan Altar. It's short, 3 german songs and 3 english versions and google shows next to nothing about the band. It was like $10 from the band from germany and they sent me a 7 along with it. Highly recommend this to @Master_Yoda77 and a few others if you havent heard it yet.
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Got that clean singing itch these days

Edit: that was supposed to be a link to the album not that song. Good song, but not my favorite. Couldn't pick one I don't think

Sirjack you may be perpetually stoned, but that is some killer thrash. Thank you for sharing that

Also, we should have a rule that if you post a death metal or black metal album you have to write the name of the band underneath so those of us who are out of the loop can actually read it. K thanks
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